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486 statements
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1import datetime
2import itertools
3import random
4import re
5import unicodedata
7import dateutil.parser
8from unidecode import unidecode
10from django.conf import settings
11from django.http import Http404
12from django.shortcuts import get_list_or_404
13from django.utils import timezone
15# from .models import ResourceInSpecialIssue
16from .models import Article
17from .models import Author
18from .models import BibItem
19from .models import BibItemId
20from .models import Collection
21from .models import Container
22from .models import ExtId
23from .models import ExtLink
24from .models import Provider
25from .models import PtfSite
26from .models import Publisher
27from .models import RelatedObject
28from .models import RelationName
29from .models import Relationship
30from .models import Resource
31from .models import ResourceInSpecialIssue
32from .models import SiteMembership
33from .models import XmlBase
34from .site_register import SITE_REGISTER
38# Get functions
43def get_first_last_years(year):
44 the_array = year.split("-")
46 fyear = the_array[0]
47 lyear = the_array[1] if len(the_array) > 1 else fyear
49 return fyear, lyear
52def get_provider_by_name(name):
53 if name == "numdam":
54 name = "mathdoc"
56 provider = Provider.objects.get(name=name)
57 return provider
60def get_provider(pid_type):
61 provider = Provider.objects.get(pid_type=pid_type)
62 return provider
65def get_publisher(name):
66 try:
67 key = make_key(name)
68 publisher = Publisher.objects.get(pub_key=key)
69 except Publisher.DoesNotExist:
70 publisher = None
71 return publisher
74def get_or_create_site(site_id, acro=None):
75 try:
76 site = PtfSite.objects.get(id=site_id)
77 except PtfSite.DoesNotExist:
78 site = PtfSite.objects.create(id=site_id, name=acro, domain=acro, acro=acro)
79 return site
82def get_journals():
83 journals = Collection.objects.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, coltype="journal")
84 return journals.all()
87def get_actas():
88 actas = Collection.objects.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, coltype="acta")
89 return actas.all()
92def get_lectures():
93 lectures = Collection.objects.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, coltype="lecture-notes")
94 return lectures.all()
97def get_proceedings():
98 proceedings = Collection.objects.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, coltype="proceeding")
99 return proceedings.all()
102def get_collection_of_books(with_lectures=False):
103 filters = ["book-series"]
104 if with_lectures:
105 filters.append("lecture-notes")
107 book_series = Collection.objects.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, coltype__in=filters)
108 return book_series.all()
111def get_books():
112 return Container.objects.filter(
113 sites__id=settings.SITE_ID,
114 my_collection__coltype__in=["book-series", "lecture-notes", "book-edited-book"],
115 )
118def get_collection_of_thesis():
119 theses = Collection.objects.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, coltype="thesis")
120 return theses.all()
123def get_theses():
124 theses = Container.objects.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, my_collection__coltype="thesis")
125 return theses.all()
128# TODO require the provider in the get_ functions as it serves as a namespace
131def get_collection(pid, sites=True, prefetch=False):
132 try:
133 if sites:
134 col = Collection.objects.get(pid=pid, sites__id=settings.SITE_ID)
135 else:
136 col = Collection.objects.get(pid=pid)
137 except Collection.DoesNotExist:
138 col = None
139 return col
142def get_volumes_in_collection(collection):
143 """
144 used by issue-list.html and oai gallica
145 return list of issues by volume if volume_int exist or by date
146 return list of publishers GROUP BY name with date
147 @param collection:
148 @return:
150 """
152 items = (
153 collection.content.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID)
154 .exclude(ctype="issue_special")
155 .order_by("-vseries_int", "-year", "-volume_int", "number_int")
156 .all()
157 )
159 if collection.collectionmembership_set.count() > 0: 159 ↛ 160line 159 didn't jump to line 160
160 col_membsership_qs = (
161 collection.collectionmembership_set.filter(container__sites__id=settings.SITE_ID)
162 .exclude(ctype="issue_special")
163 .order_by("-vseries_int", "-volume_int", "number_int")
164 .all()
165 )
166 joined = itertools.chain(items, col_membsership_qs)
168 def sorter(dict_):
169 return (
170 dict_.vseries_int,
171 dict_.year if hasattr(dict_, "year") else dict_.container.year,
172 dict_.volume_int,
173 dict_.number_int,
174 )
176 items = sorted(joined, key=sorter, reverse=True)
178 # items is now a collection of Container and/or CollectionMembership
180 issue_to_appear_pid = ""
181 if hasattr(settings, "ISSUE_TO_APPEAR_PID"): 181 ↛ 182line 181 didn't jump to line 182 because the condition on line 181 was never true
182 issue_to_appear_pid = settings.ISSUE_TO_APPEAR_PID
184 issues_in_vseries = []
185 volumes_in_vseries = []
186 issues_in_volume = []
187 publishers = []
188 results_vseries = "-1"
189 results_volume = "-1"
190 results_year = "-1"
191 results_fyear = results_lyear = -1
192 volume_count = 0
193 max_volume_count = 0
194 max_width = 0
195 width = 0
196 for item in items:
197 width += len(item.number)
198 if hasattr(item, "container"): 198 ↛ 213line 198 didn't jump to line 213 because the condition on line 198 was always true
199 issue = item.container
200 # The issue-list template use issue properties to display the list of issues
201 # Replace the values with those of the CollectionMembership for the display
202 issue.veries = item.vseries
203 issue.volume = item.volume
204 issue.number = item.number
205 issue.vseries_int = item.vseries_int
206 issue.volume_int = item.volume_int
207 issue.number_int = item.number_int
209 year = issue.year
210 vseries = item.vseries
211 volume = item.volume
212 else:
213 issue = item
214 year = issue.year
215 vseries = issue.vseries
216 volume = issue.volume
218 if != issue_to_appear_pid: 218 ↛ 196line 218 didn't jump to line 196 because the condition on line 218 was always true
219 fyear, lyear = get_first_last_years(year)
220 fyear = int(fyear)
221 lyear = int(lyear)
223 # new volume found, we need to add issues_in_volume in the current volumes_in_veries
224 if ( 224 ↛ 254line 224 didn't jump to line 254
225 results_volume != volume
226 or (results_volume == "" and results_year != year)
227 # or (results_volume == volume and results_year != year)
228 ):
229 # The first time, we simply add the issue in issues_in_volume (see below)
230 # But we do not append in volumes_in_vseries
231 if results_volume != "-1": 231 ↛ 232line 231 didn't jump to line 232 because the condition on line 231 was never true
232 volumes_in_vseries.append(
233 {
234 "volume": results_volume,
235 "fyear": results_fyear,
236 "lyear": results_lyear,
237 "issues": issues_in_volume,
238 }
239 )
240 # Clear issues_in_volume to prepare a new volume
241 issues_in_volume = []
243 # Set the current volume info
244 results_volume = volume
245 results_year = year
246 results_fyear = fyear
247 results_lyear = lyear
248 volume_count += 1
249 if width > max_width: 249 ↛ 251line 249 didn't jump to line 251 because the condition on line 249 was always true
250 max_width = width
251 width = 0
253 # New vseries found, we need to add volumes_in_vseries to the current vseries
254 if results_vseries != vseries: 254 ↛ 266line 254 didn't jump to line 266 because the condition on line 254 was always true
255 # The first time, we do not append in issues_in_vseries.
256 # We simply set the vseries info and add the issues in issues_in_volume below
257 if results_vseries != "-1": 257 ↛ 258line 257 didn't jump to line 258 because the condition on line 257 was never true
258 issues_in_vseries.append(
259 {"vseries": results_vseries, "volumes": volumes_in_vseries}
260 )
261 volumes_in_vseries = []
262 results_vseries = vseries
263 max_volume_count = max(0, volume_count)
264 volume_count = 0
266 issues_in_volume.append(issue)
268 # we have to create a list of publishers with date - for Gallica OAI
269 if issue.my_publisher: 269 ↛ 196line 269 didn't jump to line 196 because the condition on line 269 was always true
270 if publishers: 270 ↛ 271line 270 didn't jump to line 271 because the condition on line 270 was never true
271 item = publishers[-1]
272 if issue.my_publisher.pub_name != item["name"]:
273 item = {
274 "name": issue.my_publisher.pub_name,
275 "fyear": fyear,
276 "lyear": lyear,
277 }
278 publishers.append(item)
279 else:
280 if fyear < item["fyear"]:
281 item["fyear"] = fyear
282 if lyear > item["lyear"]:
283 item["lyear"] = lyear
284 else:
285 publishers.insert(
286 0, {"name": issue.my_publisher.pub_name, "fyear": fyear, "lyear": lyear}
287 )
289 # At the end of the loop, we need to append the remaining issues_in_volume
290 # then volumes_in_vseries
291 if results_volume != "-1" and issues_in_volume: 291 ↛ 302line 291 didn't jump to line 302 because the condition on line 291 was always true
292 volumes_in_vseries.append(
293 {
294 "volume": results_volume,
295 "fyear": results_fyear,
296 "lyear": results_lyear,
297 "issues": issues_in_volume,
298 }
299 )
300 # volume_count += 1
302 if results_vseries != "-1" and volumes_in_vseries: 302 ↛ 306line 302 didn't jump to line 306
303 issues_in_vseries.append({"vseries": results_vseries, "volumes": volumes_in_vseries})
304 max_volume_count = max(0, volume_count)
306 context = {
307 "sorted_issues": issues_in_vseries,
308 "volume_count": max_volume_count,
309 "publishers": publishers,
310 "max_width": max_width,
311 }
313 return context
316def get_container(pid, prefetch=False, sites=True):
317 try:
318 if prefetch:
319 container = (
320 Container.objects.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, pid=pid)
321 .prefetch_for_toc()
322 .first()
323 )
324 else:
325 if sites: 325 ↛ 328line 325 didn't jump to line 328 because the condition on line 325 was always true
326 container = Container.objects.get(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, pid=pid)
327 else:
328 container = Container.objects.get(pid=pid)
330 except Container.DoesNotExist:
331 container = None
332 return container
335def get_book_serie(pid):
336 try:
337 book_serie = Collection.objects.get(
338 pid=pid, coltype="book-series", sites__id=settings.SITE_ID
339 )
340 except Collection.DoesNotExist:
341 book_serie = None
342 return book_serie
345def get_issues_count_in_collection(pid):
346 try:
347 collection = Collection.objects.get(pid=pid)
348 issues = Container.objects.filter(my_collection=collection).count()
349 return issues
350 except Exception:
351 pass
354def get_issues_in_volume(vid, is_cr=False, general_articles=False):
355 # 08/09/2022: vid is no longer built (see get_vid in
356 # It is now the pid of the first issue of the volume
357 first_issue = get_container(vid)
358 if first_issue is None:
359 raise Http404
361 collection = first_issue.get_collection()
362 year = first_issue.year
363 vseries = first_issue.vseries
364 volume = first_issue.volume
366 if is_cr:
367 year_int = int(year)
368 if year_int > 2020 and not in ["CRMATH", "CRBIOL"]: 368 ↛ 371line 368 didn't jump to line 371 because the condition on line 368 was never true
369 # CRAS: Les thématiques à partir de 2021 ont un number en "T1", "T2",...
370 # On trie par number pour avoir les thématiques isolés des autres
371 queryset = Container.objects.order_by("number")
372 elif year_int > 2022 and == "CRBIOL":
373 queryset = Container.objects.order_by("number")
374 else:
375 queryset = Container.objects.order_by("number_int")
376 if general_articles:
377 queryset = queryset.filter(title_html="")
378 else:
379 queryset = Container.objects.order_by("number_int")
380 queryset = queryset.filter(
381, year=year, vseries=vseries, volume=volume
382 ).prefetch_for_toc()
383 issues = get_list_or_404(queryset)
385 if is_cr and (
386 (year_int > 2020 and != "CRBIOL")
387 or (year_int > 2022 and == "CRBIOL")
388 ):
389 issues_articles = []
390 grouped_articles = []
391 grouped_issue_articles = {"issue": None, "articles": grouped_articles}
392 for issue in issues:
393 if len(issue.title_html) == 0: 393 ↛ 397line 393 didn't jump to line 397 because the condition on line 393 was always true
394 grouped_articles.extend(issue.article_set.all().order_by_sequence())
395 grouped_issue_articles["issue"] = issue
396 else:
397 issues_articles.append(
398 {
399 "issue": issue,
400 "articles": issue.article_set.all().order_by_published_date()
401 if settings.SORT_ARTICLES_BY_DATE
402 else issue.article_set.all().order_by_sequence(),
403 }
404 )
405 if grouped_issue_articles["issue"] is not None: 405 ↛ 418line 405 didn't jump to line 418 because the condition on line 405 was always true
406 issues_articles.insert(0, grouped_issue_articles)
407 else:
408 issues_articles = [
409 {
410 "issue": issue,
411 "articles": issue.article_set.all().order_by_published_date()
412 if settings.SORT_ARTICLES_BY_DATE
413 else issue.article_set.all().order_by_sequence(),
414 }
415 for issue in issues
416 ]
418 return issues_articles, collection
421def get_resource_in_special_issue_by_doi(doi):
422 try:
423 resource_in_special_issue = ResourceInSpecialIssue.objects.get(resource_doi=doi)
424 except ResourceInSpecialIssue.DoesNotExist:
425 resource_in_special_issue = None
426 return resource_in_special_issue
429def get_article(pid: str, prefetch=False, sites=True) -> Article | None:
430 try:
431 if prefetch:
432 article = (
433 Article.objects.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, pid=pid).prefetch_all().first()
434 )
435 else:
436 if sites: 436 ↛ 439line 436 didn't jump to line 439 because the condition on line 436 was always true
437 article = Article.objects.get(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, pid=pid)
438 else:
439 article = Article.objects.get(pid=pid)
441 except Article.DoesNotExist:
442 article = None
443 return article
446def get_article_by_doi(doi, prefetch=False):
447 try:
448 if prefetch:
449 article = (
450 Article.objects.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, doi=doi).prefetch_all().first()
451 )
452 else:
453 article = Article.objects.get(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, doi=doi)
455 except Article.DoesNotExist:
456 article = None
457 return article
460def get_articles():
461 article_qs = Article.objects.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID).exclude(
462 classname="TranslatedArticle"
463 )
464 return article_qs
467def get_articles_by_deployed_date():
468 sitemembership_qs = SiteMembership.objects.filter(
469 site__id=settings.SITE_ID, resource__classname="Article"
470 ).order_by("-deployed", "-seq")
472 articles = [sm.resource.cast() for sm in sitemembership_qs]
473 return articles
476def get_articles_by_published_date():
477 article_qs = Article.objects.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID).exclude(
478 classname="TranslatedArticle"
479 )
480 if hasattr(settings, "ISSUE_TO_APPEAR_PID"):
481 article_qs = article_qs.exclude(my_container__pid=settings.ISSUE_TO_APPEAR_PID)
482 article_qs = article_qs.order_by("-date_published", "-seq")
484 return article_qs
487def get_xmlbase(base):
488 try:
489 xmlbase = XmlBase.objects.get(base=base)
490 except XmlBase.DoesNotExist:
491 xmlbase = None
492 return xmlbase
495# RelationName are created with a fixture (see app/ptf/apps/ptf/fixtures/initial_data.json
496# Example { "left" : "follows", "right" : "followed-by" }
497# A related-article of an article has 1 relation name (ex "follows" or "followed-by")
498# You need to know if the relation was stored in the left or right attribute of a RelationName,
499# so that you can create/search the Relationship with the correct object/subject.
500# Ex: with A "follows" B, A is the subject and B the object because "follows" is a RelationName.left attribute
501# with A "followed-by" B, A is the object the B the subject because
502# "followed-by" is a RelationName.right attribute
503def get_relationname_left(left_name):
504 try:
505 relationname = RelationName.objects.get(left=left_name)
506 except RelationName.DoesNotExist:
507 relationname = None
509 return relationname
512def get_relationname_right(right_name):
513 try:
514 relationname = RelationName.objects.get(right=right_name)
515 except RelationName.DoesNotExist:
516 relationname = None
518 return relationname
521# See comments about RelationName above
522def get_relationship(subject_pid, object_pid, relationname):
523 try:
524 relationship = Relationship.objects.get(
525 subject_pid=subject_pid, object_pid=object_pid, rel_info=relationname
526 )
527 except Relationship.DoesNotExist:
528 relationship = None
530 return relationship
533def get_extid(resource, id_type):
534 extid = None
535 extids = ExtId.objects.filter(resource=resource, id_type=id_type)
536 if extids.count() > 0:
537 extid = extids.first()
539 return extid
542def get_bibitemid(bibitem, id_type):
543 bibitemid = None
544 bibitemids = BibItemId.objects.filter(bibitem=bibitem, id_type=id_type)
545 if bibitemids.count() > 0: 545 ↛ 548line 545 didn't jump to line 548 because the condition on line 545 was always true
546 bibitemid = bibitemids.first()
548 return bibitemid
551def get_bibitem_by_seq(article, seq):
552 try:
553 bibitem = article.bibitem_set.get(sequence=seq)
554 except BibItem.DoesNotExist:
555 bibitem = None
556 return bibitem
559def get_extlink(**filters):
560 try:
561 extlink = ExtLink.objects.get(**filters)
562 except ExtLink.DoesNotExist:
563 extlink = None
564 return extlink
567def get_related_object(**filters):
568 """
569 Return RelatedObject with filters pass by params (all are optionals)
570 resource, base, rel, mimetype, location, metadata, seq
571 Check for the params of a RelatedObject
572 """
573 try:
574 related_object = RelatedObject.objects.get(**filters)
575 related_object.select_related()
576 except RelatedObject.DoesNotExist:
577 related_object = None
578 return related_object
581def get_authors_by_letter(first_letter):
582 try:
583 authors = Author.objects.filter(first_letter=first_letter).order_by("name")
584 except Author.DoesNotExist:
585 authors = None
586 return authors
589def make_key(string):
590 n_string = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", string).encode("ascii", "ignore").decode("ascii")
591 n_string = re.sub(r"[^\w\s-]", "", n_string).strip().lower()
592 n_string = re.sub(r"[-\s]+", "-", n_string)
593 if len(n_string) > 64:
594 n_string = n_string[:64]
596 return n_string if n_string else unidecode(string)
599def get_resource(pid: str, prefetch=False) -> Resource | None:
600 try:
601 if prefetch:
602 resource = (
603 Resource.objects.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, pid=pid).prefetch_all().first()
604 )
605 else:
606 resource = Resource.objects.get(pid=pid, sites__id=settings.SITE_ID)
607 except Resource.DoesNotExist:
608 resource = None
609 return resource
612def get_resource_by_doi(doi, prefetch=False):
613 try:
614 if prefetch: 614 ↛ 615line 614 didn't jump to line 615
615 resource = (
616 Resource.objects.filter(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, doi=doi).prefetch_all().first()
617 )
618 else:
619 resource = Resource.objects.get(sites__id=settings.SITE_ID, doi=doi)
621 except Resource.DoesNotExist:
622 resource = None
623 return resource
626def get_random_containers():
627 # TODO get the newest containers only
629 containers = Container.objects.all()
630 random_list = random.sample(containers, 6)
632 return random_list
635def parse_date_str(date_str):
636 """
637 @param date_str:a string representing a date. Ex: "2017-01-10T18:24:58.202+01:00", "2017-05-03"
638 @return:a localized datetime object (localized means that the date has a timezone)
639 """
640 the_date = dateutil.parser.parse(date_str)
641 if not timezone.is_aware(the_date):
642 the_date = timezone.make_aware(the_date, datetime.UTC)
643 return the_date
646def get_issue_to_appear(colid):
647 """
648 Some journals want to display "articles to appear" with articles that have been accepted but are not yet
649 finalized (pages start at 1). ex: AIF
650 :param pid:
651 :return: The container object of articles to appear
652 """
653 pid = ""
655 if hasattr(settings, "ISSUE_TO_APPEAR_PIDS"):
656 if colid in settings.ISSUE_TO_APPEAR_PIDS:
657 pid = settings.ISSUE_TO_APPEAR_PIDS[colid]
659 container = get_container(pid=pid, prefetch=True)
660 return container
663def get_number_from_doi(doi):
664 value = 0
666 try:
667 index = doi.rfind(".")
668 index += 1
669 if index > 0:
670 str_value = doi[index:]
671 value = int(str_value)
672 except BaseException:
673 pass
675 return value
678def get_site_mersenne(collection_pid):
679 key = collection_pid.lower()
681 # TODO refactor smai-jcm, centre_mersenne to have collection_pid == key
682 # Do not use a find here, we want an access time in O(1)
683 if key == "smai-jcm": 683 ↛ 684line 683 didn't jump to line 684 because the condition on line 683 was never true
684 key = "smai"
685 elif key == "mersenne": 685 ↛ 686line 685 didn't jump to line 686 because the condition on line 685 was never true
686 key = "centre_mersenne"
687 elif key == "malsm": 687 ↛ 688line 687 didn't jump to line 688 because the condition on line 687 was never true
688 key = "mbk"
690 try:
691 site_item = settings.SITE_REGISTER[key]
692 except KeyError:
693 return None
694 site_id = site_item["site_id"]
695 site_acro = key
697 return get_or_create_site(site_id, site_acro)
702# Update functions
705def post_resource_updated(resource):
706 """
707 A resource is modified (ex: matching), the last_modified date of its container has to be updated.
708 :param resource:
709 :return:
710 """
711 obj = resource.cast()
712 container = obj.get_container()
713 if container: 713 ↛ exitline 713 didn't return from function 'post_resource_updated' because the condition on line 713 was always true
714 container.last_modified =
718def update_deployed_date(resource, site, deployed_date_in_prod_to_restore=None, file_=None):
719 """
720 Used by ptf_tools during DeployJatsIssue
722 Update the SiteMembership deployed_date of container/site based on the production website.
723 - If there is no deployed_date in ptf_tools (not yet in prod), we create one.
724 - with deployed_date_in_prod if it's not None (case when we restore data), or
725 - with now if deployed_date_in_prod is None (first deploy in prod)
726 - If the last_modified date of the container in ptf_tools is > deployed_date_in_prod
727 (we have a new version in ptf_tools), we update deployed_date_in_prod with now(),
728 - else we update deployed_date with deployed_date_in_prod
729 (Normally, they should be equal)
731 :param resource:
732 :param site:
733 :param deployed_date_in_prod_to_restore:
734 :param file_ file object to log info
735 :return:
736 """
738 def get_deployed_date_in_prod(resource_, site_):
739 deployed_date_in_prod = None
740 try:
741 membership = SiteMembership.objects.get(resource=resource_, site=site_)
742 deployed_date_in_prod = membership.deployed
743 except SiteMembership.DoesNotExist:
744 pass
746 return deployed_date_in_prod
748 def update_or_create(resource_, site_, deployed):
749 try:
750 membership = SiteMembership.objects.get(resource=resource_, site=site_)
751 membership.deployed = deployed
752 except SiteMembership.DoesNotExist:
753 membership = SiteMembership(resource=resource_, site=site_, deployed=deployed)
756 container = article = None
758 if resource.classname == "Article": 758 ↛ 759line 758 didn't jump to line 759 because the condition on line 758 was never true
759 article = resource
760 container = article.my_container
761 else:
762 container = resource
764 existing_deployed_date = get_deployed_date_in_prod(container, site)
766 # If we restore deployed_date, force the new value to the restored value
767 if deployed_date_in_prod_to_restore:
768 new_deployed_date = deployed_date_in_prod_to_restore
769 else:
770 # Get the existing deployed_date_in_prod (from SiteMembership)
771 new_deployed_date = existing_deployed_date
773 # If there is no value of if the current version (last_modified) is newer, update the date
774 if new_deployed_date is None or container.last_modified > new_deployed_date: 774 ↛ 779line 774 didn't jump to line 779 because the condition on line 774 was always true
775 new_deployed_date =
777 # Set the new value to the entire container/articles (+ collection)
779 if file_: 779 ↛ 780line 779 didn't jump to line 780 because the condition on line 779 was never true
780 file_.write(
781 "{}. Date to restore: {}. Container.last_modified: {}, Existing date {}. New date {}\n".format(
783 deployed_date_in_prod_to_restore,
784 container.last_modified,
785 existing_deployed_date,
786 new_deployed_date,
787 )
788 )
790 update_or_create(container, site, new_deployed_date)
791 update_or_create(container.get_collection(), site, new_deployed_date)
793 if article is not None: 793 ↛ 794line 793 didn't jump to line 794 because the condition on line 793 was never true
794 update_or_create(article, site, new_deployed_date)
795 else:
796 for article in container.article_set.all():
797 update_or_create(article, site, new_deployed_date)
800def assign_doi(pid):
801 """
802 In the Mersenne process, articles imported for the first time receive a DOI.
803 Thus function creates a new DOI, based on the last doi stored in the Collection object.
804 :param pid:
805 :return: A new DOI, equal to 10.5802/@pid.(last_doi + 1)
806 """
807 collection = get_collection(pid)
809 if collection is None: 809 ↛ 810line 809 didn't jump to line 810 because the condition on line 809 was never true
810 return None
812 last_doi = collection.last_doi + 1
813 collection.last_doi = last_doi
816 doi = "10.5802/" + pid.lower() + "." + str(last_doi)
817 return doi
820# TODO make a command ?
823def add_or_update_extid(
824 resource, id_type, id_value, checked, false_positive, update_last_modified=True
826 from ptf.cmds import database_cmds
828 if id_value: 828 ↛ exitline 828 didn't return from function 'add_or_update_extid' because the condition on line 828 was always true
829 extid = get_extid(resource, id_type)
830 if extid:
831 if not extid.checked: 831 ↛ 832line 831 didn't jump to line 832 because the condition on line 831 was never true
832 extid.id_value = id_value
833 extid.checked = checked
834 extid.false_positive = false_positive
836 else:
837 cmd = database_cmds.addExtIdDatabaseCmd(
838 {
839 "id_type": id_type,
840 "id_value": id_value,
841 "checked": checked,
842 "false_positive": false_positive,
843 }
844 )
845 cmd.set_resource(resource)
848 # last_modified is not modified during data restoration (importExtraDataPtfCmd)
849 if update_last_modified: 849 ↛ 850line 849 didn't jump to line 850 because the condition on line 849 was never true
850 post_resource_updated(resource)
853def add_or_update_bibitemid(
854 bibitem, id_type, id_value, checked, false_positive, update_last_modified=True
856 from ptf.cmds import database_cmds
857 from ptf.cmds import xml_cmds
859 if id_value: 859 ↛ exitline 859 didn't return from function 'add_or_update_bibitemid' because the condition on line 859 was always true
860 bibitemid = get_bibitemid(bibitem, id_type)
861 if bibitemid: 861 ↛ 867line 861 didn't jump to line 867 because the condition on line 861 was always true
862 bibitemid.id_value = id_value
863 bibitemid.checked = checked
864 bibitemid.false_positive = false_positive
866 else:
867 cmd = database_cmds.addBibItemIdDatabaseCmd(
868 {
869 "id_type": id_type,
870 "id_value": id_value,
871 "checked": checked,
872 "false_positive": false_positive,
873 }
874 )
875 cmd.set_bibitem(bibitem)
878 # Update citation_xml|html|tex
879 cmd = xml_cmds.updateBibitemCitationXmlCmd()
880 cmd.set_bibitem(bibitem)
883 # last_modified is not modified during data restoration (importExtraDataPtfCmd)
884 if update_last_modified:
885 post_resource_updated(bibitem.resource)
888def get_site_id(collection_id):
889 result = [v for k, v in SITE_REGISTER.items() if v["collection_pid"] == collection_id]
890 return result[0]["site_id"] if result else ""
893def get_collection_id(site_id):
894 result = [v for k, v in SITE_REGISTER.items() if v["site_id"] == site_id]
895 return result[0]["collection_pid"] if result else ""
898def is_site_en_only(site_id):
899 result = [v for k, v in SITE_REGISTER.items() if v["site_id"] == site_id]
900 return result[0]["en_only"] if result else False
903def is_site_fr_only(site_id):
904 result = [v for k, v in SITE_REGISTER.items() if v["site_id"] == site_id]
905 return result[0]["fr_only"] if result and "fr_only" in result[0] else False